Thursday, February 2, 2012

This just really upset me.  Click Here for Video

Initially, what upset me was that this poor girl has an eating disorder coupled with some type of phobia. It broke my heart to see her so scared and to know that she has a huge battle ahead of here if she wants to get better. I know because I have my own similar battle. 

What truly is a benchmark for society - our "community" - is the comments. The nastiness of the people in this world is astounding. They never look at the heart of the person or the suffering that is happening. It is almost like a sport to ridicule someone for their afflictions. Compassion is a thing of the past.

I am glad that I am not a parent. I would be mortified if my child had to suffer in this way. It is worse than a physical wound. The mind does not heal like the rest of the body.  People asking for her to die? Stating that people in this suffering and pain are a waste to society. 

It is hard not to hate people. People have become self-consumed and heartless.

God is love and He loves everyone. He loves this woman in her pain and suffering and he loves the compassionless people who ridicule her for that same pain and suffering. We were made in His image but I tell you that we are lucky to have someone to love us no matter what.

If God doesn't, who will?