I really hate for this to be my first rant, but deal with it because this annoys me to no end.
Can someone please explain to why we have one of the cleanest public restrooms that I have ever used (given the state of the average public restroom) and yet ever new hire class that comes in has to pee on the seats, leave unflushed biohazards in the toilets and boogers on the walls?
This is a women's restroom, mind you. Men your women are not dainty little flowers - trust me. I mean were you raised this way? Must you be told to leave the water clear and to clean of the seat if you have an accident?
I have been working in this place for 10-years and a new hire class just came in and it is like potty roulette when you pick a stall.
These are the days when I am not so angry about the contraption that allows women to pee standing up. Which does kind of put new meaning to, you go girl. LoL